Program usage Display Save image(s)
Documentation of Aniplayer

4.6 Save movie

It's possible to save all or part of a movie in the following file formats depending on the screen resolution:

  - AVI, Video For Windows in:

    • Microsoft RLE 256 colours (RLE8).
    • Intel Raw YUV9.
    • DivX 3 Microsoft (DIV3) with the shared library AVCODEC.SLB.
    • DivX 4 OpenDivX (DIVX) with the shared library AVCODEC.SLB.

  - MOV, QuickTime in:

    • Apple Animation RLE 256 colours (RLE8) if screen <= 256 colours.
    • Apple Animation RLE 32768 colours (RLE16) if screen > 256 colours.
    • Intel Raw YUV9.
    • DivX 3 Microsoft (DIV3) with the shared library AVCODEC.SLB.
    • DivX 4 OpenDivX (DIVX) with the shared library AVCODEC.SLB.
By default, the selection of images starts from number one (or from the current image if pause is active) up to the total number of images. If the starting or ending image is changed, the display of the total time will be changed accordingly.

A slider to control quality (1 to 5) is only used for RLE16.

While saving, a red button is displayed at the bottom of the window.