Description of options Display configuration Command line
Documentation of Aniplayer

5.7 Sound configuration

The selection 'Direct to disk' allows the choice of playback mode:

  - Automatic: Direct-to-disk or preload is used depending on the
    file format.  For example, sound preload is used for Real Audio
    28.8K files if the CPU is < 68060.
  - Preload: Sound preload is used for AVI, MOV, RA, MPEG Audio, AC3
    and OGG files. The option 'Without D2D' is disabled if preload
    sound is checked.
  - Force use: Force direct-to-disk for Real Audio 28.8K, AC3, OGG,
    and MPEG Audio files.
The selection 'Length of buffer for sound files' changes the size of the D2D buffer for audio files (between 1 and 5 seconds).

The selection 'Sound system' changes the sound playback configuration:

  - Automatic: Use the hardware directly, if possible.
  - XBIOS: Force use of XBIOS if functions exist.
  - Analogue: Use two analogue channels.
  - Digital: Use eight digital channels, normally for DSP port of
    Falcon (for example, Soundpool's Analog 8).
The selection 'External clock' specifies whether to check for the presence of an external clock on the Falcon DSP:

  - Automatic: Test when Aniplayer is started.
  - Ignore: External clock ignored.
  - Force: Show that external clock is connected without testing.
The selection 'MP? mode with DSP' specifies the mode of DSP transfers for MP2 files on the Falcon:

  - Normal: DSP transfers are normal (via host port).
  - DMA transfers: DSP transfers are via DMA and direct audio output
The selection 'MP? mode without DSP' specifies the decompression mode for MP? files using only the CPU:

  - Normal: Decompression of both channels of MP? stereo.
  - Mono: Faster than MP? stereo.